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Online texts

(A) Diario. A story by Rafa de Bofarull. In Spanish.
Adolphe. Réponse. A story by Benjamin Constant. In French.
Adolphe. Table. A story by Benjamin Constant. In French.
Agua. Poems by Travis. In Spanish.
Alesia. A story by Rafael Salinas Tello. In Spanish.
Al este de nadie. Poems by Fernando Báez. In Spanish.
Algoritmo. Allart. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Algoritmo. Almeida. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Algoritmo. Aponte. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Algoritmo. Lucía. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Algoritmo. Uno. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
¡Amaneced, hermanos!. Poems by Héctor Lisonje. In Spanish.
Amor entre sueños. Poems by Carlos Sánchez. In Spanish.
A mysterious cat. Poems by Sam Silva. In English.
Ana Karenina. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Ànima d'hivern. A story by Elisabet Carreras. In Catalan.
Anoche un nuevo día. A story by Héctor Lisonje. In Spanish.
Ante el semáforo. A story by Jorge Bogaerts. In Spanish.
A Nucleus. A story by Sam Silva. In English.
Apuntes del verde. Amelia. A story by José Preciado. In Spanish.
Apuntes del verde. Vanesa. A story by José Preciado. In Spanish.
Armonizando la muerte. Selección. Poems by Eu. In Spanish.
Aroma de neroli. A story by Nora Bouhorma. In Spanish.
As-Sâh Mât. A story by Antonio Gómez Hueso. In Spanish.
Bar de estación. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
Before Fidel Became a Bad Guy. A story by Gary Beck. In English.
Bienvenidas las sombras. A story by Pilar Romano. In Spanish.
Blackberry. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Bola Luna. A story by Tina Escaja. In Spanish.
Breve dicha. A story by Eduardo Protto. In Spanish.
Caperucita Roja. A story by Juan Carlos Muñoz. In Spanish.
Carolina Dalfiume. A story by Daniel Mundani. In Spanish.
Caronte. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Carta a una amiga. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
Cendra. Índex. A work by Joan Segons. In Catalan.
Cendra (no escric Fórmules). A story by Joan Segons. In Catalan.
Cierre de listas. A story by Antonio Libonati. In Spanish.
Ciudades. A story by Jaime Lopera. In Spanish.
Columbia. A story by Robert McDonald. In English.
Confluencias. A story by Francesc Sabtedí. In Spanish.
Contracte indefinit (1/6). A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
Contracte indefinit (2/6). A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
Contracte indefinit (3/6). A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
Contracte indefinit (4/6). A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
Contracte indefinit (5/6). A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
Contracte indefinit (6/6). A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
Corazonada. A story by Aymer Waldir Zuluaga Miranda. In Spanish.
Corte de luz. A story by Inés Legarreta. In Spanish.
Cortometraje. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Crónica de un teatro. A story by Antonio Libonati. In Spanish.
Curiosidad. A story by Patricia Iriarte. In Spanish.
Decidirse. A story by Vanessa Ramírez León. In Spanish.
De regreso. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
Desamor y Junio, 1993. Poems by Travis. In Spanish.
Desde la Luna. A story by Rosy Paláu. In Spanish.
Deshora. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
Desmoronamiento. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Despertares. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
Desprendendo. Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Desprendiendo. Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Desprenent. Poems by Alma Pérez. In Catalan.
De terror. Poems by Luis Alposta. In Spanish.
Dislodging (Translation). Poems by Alma Pérez. In English.
Dislodging. Poems by Alma Pérez. In English.
Disolución. A story by Andrew Bernal Trillos. In Spanish.
Dos poemas. Poems by Bernardo Casado Salas. In Spanish.
Dos poemas. Poems by Isabel Alamar. In Spanish.
Doubt (Translation). A story by Livia Felce. In English.
Drama conyugal. A story by Daniel Alejandro Gómez. In Spanish.
Edificar. A story by Joan Segons. In Catalan.
El caso (1/4). A story by Jorge Gómez Jiménez. In Spanish.
El caso (2/4). A story by Jorge Gómez Jiménez. In Spanish.
El caso (3/4). A story by Jorge Gómez Jiménez. In Spanish.
El caso (4/4). A story by Jorge Gómez Jiménez. In Spanish.
El cerco. Poems by Guillermo Aldaya. In Spanish.
El Chuso. A story by Orlando Mazeyra Guillén. In Spanish.
El cliente. A story by Ricardo Costoia. In Spanish.
El concurso. A story by Estrella Cardona Gamio. In Spanish.
El conejo de Ushuaia. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
El corazón en la lengua. Poems by Ada Luz. In Spanish.
El destello. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El diablo en el ojo. Poems by Juan Caja. In Spanish.
El día después. A story by Esther Zorrozua. In Spanish.
El día esperado. A story by Héctor Torres. In Spanish.
Elephant. A story by Margaret Wilmot. In English.
El espejismo. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El esquema. A story by Héctor Lisonje. In Spanish.
El extraño asesino. A story by Ricardo Mena Cuevas. In Spanish.
El gallo. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El hombre de la maleta. A story by Héctor Lisonje. In Spanish.
El idioma secreto. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
El invierno. A story by Patricia Suárez. In Spanish.
El irritador. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
El jardín. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El legado. A story by Héctor Lisonje. In Spanish.
El mercader. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
El mono. A story by Jesús Meana. In Spanish.
El monstre. A story by Joan Segons. In Catalan.
El ojo de la conciencia. A story by Ricardo Costoia. In Spanish.
El ojo del cielo perdido. A story by Nicasio Urbina. In Spanish.
El orden del mundo. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El rescate. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El sabio. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El tapiz. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El temps. A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
El testigo. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El tren. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El vaso. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
El zanjón. A story by Nolberto Malacalza. In Spanish.
Encuestas. A story by Ariel León. In Spanish.
En defensa propia. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
En el tren.... A story by Rafael Salinas Tello. In Spanish.
En el último peldaño. A story by Edith Checa. In Spanish.
En las garras del ángel. Poems by Juan Caja. In Spanish.
En noches como ésta. A story by Evelyn Aixalà. In Spanish.
En primavera. Poems by Luz del Olmo. In Spanish.
En una fiesta. A story by Iliana Godoy. In Spanish.
Esencia y atributo. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
Espejismos sonoros. Poems by Marc Sil. In Spanish.
Estigma. A story by Anna Solana. In Catalan.
Estocolmo. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
Estractum. I (1/4). Poems by Fernando R. Ortega. In Spanish.
Expediente de crisis. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
Fatma. A story by Teresa Peñafiel. In Catalan.
Faustino Saralegui. A story by José Scarpelli. In Spanish.
Feast or Famine. Scene 1 (1/3). A story by Gary Beck. In English.
Feast or Famine. Scene 2 (2/3). A story by Gary Beck. In English.
Feast or Famine. Scene 3 (3/3). A story by Gary Beck. In English.
Feast or Famine. A story by Gary Beck. In English.
Florida. A story by Jorge Gómez. In Spanish.
Freud en la nota roja. A story by José Luis Enciso. In Spanish.
Gente normal. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Gotas del rocío. Poems by Carlos Sánchez. In Spanish.
Groundhog Day. A story by Margaret Wilmot. In English.
Hazte fama. A story by Patricia Suárez. In Spanish.
Historia de nadie. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
Hojarasca. Selección. Poems by Ulises Varsovia. In Spanish.
Hombre cuadrado. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Homero. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Horas extrañas. A story by Isabel Enciso. In Spanish.
Idilio. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Indiferencia. A story by José Luis Enciso. In Spanish.
In Paris With Georgette. A story by Margaret Wilmot. In English.
Intercut. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Iradokiz. Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Itaca y Descalza. Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Juego de cartas. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
Jugo d'scondit. Índice. A story by Dimas Mas. In Spanish.
Julia. A story by Ramon Rodó Carrero. In Spanish.
Kim. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
L'Atlàntida. Índex. Poems by Jacint Verdaguer. In Catalan.
L'espai. A story by Tomàs Asensio i Torres. In Catalan.
L'home que espera. A story by Jaume Capó. In Catalan.
La Aurora. A story by Gabriel Coronel. In Spanish.
La balanza de hielo. Poems by Luis Alposta. In Spanish.
La bohemia. A story by Patricia Suárez. In Spanish.
La cadena. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
La cantera de la memoria. Poems by Edith Checa. In Spanish.
La casa en la montaña. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
La casona. A story by Gelu. In Spanish.
La Celestina. Índice. A story by Fernando de Rojas. In Spanish.
La cita. A story by Ariel León. In Spanish.
La derrota del persa. Índice. A story by Dimas Mas. In Spanish.
La despedida. A story by Eugenio Barragán. In Spanish.
La dona dels seus somnis. A story by Josep Pastells. In Catalan.
La duda. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
La falsa María. Índice. A story by Andrés Urrutia. In Spanish.
La gente pequeña. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
La historia. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
La kafkamorfosis. A story by Alejandro Ferrero. In Spanish.
La lección. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
La milonga. A story by Antonio Libonati. In Spanish.
La noche en la ventana. A story by Edith Checa. In Spanish.
La otra mirada. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
La pesadilla. Poems by Teresa Domingo Català. In Spanish.
La revelación. A story by Ruben Ariel Urquiza. In Spanish.
La risa. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
Las cartas. A story by Gustavo Albanece. In Spanish.
Las cuatro muertes de Julio. A story by Bruno Soreno. In Spanish.
Las fases de la luna. Poems by Marc Sil. In Spanish.
Las flores de Elenkän. A story by Héctor Lisonje. In Spanish.
Las gafas. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Las palabras. A story by Rosy Paláu. In Spanish.
Las tres cartas. A story by Eugenio Barragán. In Spanish.
Lastres. A story by José Manuel González. In Spanish.
Las tumbas. A story by Daniel Alejandro Gómez. In Spanish.
La torre negra. A story by Joan Josep Camacho Grau. In Catalan.
La vida vecina. Índice. A story by Dimas Mas. In Spanish.
La visita. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
La voluntad del ángel. A story by José Preciado. In Spanish.
La zanja. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
La Ñata. A story by Livia Felce. In Spanish.
Lejana tierra mía. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Lengua roja. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Letargos violeta. Poems by Edith Checa. In Spanish.
Le tigre. Poems by Esther Cohen Bacri. In French.
Levántate y anda. A story by Ricardo Costoia. In Spanish.
Liberación. A story by Claudio Zulian. In Spanish.
Liberty City. A story by Lorenzo Silva. In Spanish.
Livingston. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Llibre de Tobies. A story by Antoni Carrasco. In Catalan.
Lo que nunca se irá. A story by Juan Cruz Mateu. In Spanish.
Los derrotados. A story by Héctor Lisonje. In Spanish.
Los escribas. A story by Jorge Gómez Jiménez. In Spanish.
Lo siento mucho. A story by Inés Legarreta. In Spanish.
Los mares de adentro. A story by Nicasio Urbina. In Spanish.
Los mejores pronombres. Poems by José Preciado. In Spanish.
Los rostros del pasado. A story by Evelyn Aixalà. In Spanish.
Marat. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Marina duerme. A story by Ricardo Mena Cuevas. In Spanish.
Martingalas. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Me desperté y otros poemas. Poems by Travis. In Spanish.
Mensuario. Mayo. Poems by Bernardo Casado Salas. In Spanish.
Mera sugestión. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
Mi amigo Lucas. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
Mi desierto. A story by Bernardo Naranjo. In Spanish.
Miramar. Índice. A story by Daniel Rubén Mourelle. In Spanish.
Monocerotis. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Muerte y Sonetimiento. Poems by Travis. In Spanish.
Navegando por la net. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
Negro en ovejas. Poems by Tina Escaja. In Spanish.
Nocturnos. Relatos. A work by several authors. In Spanish.
Nocturno. A story by Javier Martín. In Spanish.
No re. Poems by Joan Josep Camacho Grau. In Catalan.
Notas urbanas. A story by Esteban Lijalad. In Spanish.
No te caigas, cielo. A story by Álvaro Valderas. In Spanish.
No te olvides de mí. A story by Pilar Romano. In Spanish.
Ocasos y encuentros. Poems by Marc Sil. In Spanish.
Olor a incienso. A story by Evelyn Aixalà. In Spanish.
Ósmosis. A story by Daniel Rueda Garrido. In Spanish.
Otro él. Poems by Luis Alposta. In Spanish.
Otros poemas. Poems by Ernesto Simón. In Spanish.
Padre ideal. A story by Juan Carlos Muñoz. In Spanish.
Painting from Life. Poems by Margaret Wilmot. In English.
Para siempre. Poems by Zulma Beatriz Zubillaga. In Spanish.
Pastel de manzana. A story by Juan Carlos Montilla. In Spanish.
Paz interior. A story by Juan Carlos Montilla. In Spanish.
Pensión Cariño. A story by Germán Uribe. In Spanish.
Pequeño accidente. A story by Javier Martín. In Spanish.
Perro amarillo. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Pianoforte. A story by Saturno de Echebarri. In Spanish.
Piccirilli. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
Pinzas de metal. A story by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Poemas adivinanzas. Poems by Luz del Olmo. In Spanish.
Poemas del exilio II. Poems by E. Murray. In Spanish.
Poemas del exilio I. Poems by E. Murray. In Spanish.
Poesía y palabra. Poems by Nolberto Malacalza. In Spanish.
Premonicions. A story by Vicent Tur i Serra. In Catalan.
Primer y segundo encuentro. Poems by Travis. In Spanish.
Problema resuelto. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
Provincia mayor. II (2/4). Poems by Dimas Mas. In Spanish.
Provincia mayor. III (3/4). Poems by Dimas Mas. In Spanish.
Provincia mayor. IV (4/4). Poems by Dimas Mas. In Spanish.
Provincia mayor. I. Poems by Dimas Mas. In Spanish.
Punto y coma. A story by Mel. In Spanish.
Quan els bits ballen tango. A story by Anna Solana. In Catalan.
Rates. A story by David Medina. In Catalan.
Ravàlia transmundana. Poems by Lluís Calvo. In Catalan.
Real as Dreams. Poems by Margaret Wilmot. In English.
Reflejos líquidos. Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Resolución. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Res. A story by Joan Segons. In Catalan.
Río con perro. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Río navegable. Selección. Poems by Diego Cruz. In Spanish.
Saltimbanqui. A story by Antoni Carrasco. In Catalan.
Salt. A story by Wade Bell. In English.
Sefarad. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Segundos afuera. A story by Ricardo Costoia. In Spanish.
Siempre nunca eterno. A story by Alejandro Ferrero. In Spanish.
Siete poemas. Poems by Luis Alposta. In Spanish.
Siete. Relatos y microcuentos. A work by several authors. In Spanish.
Simbología. A story by Ricardo Mena Cuevas. In Spanish.
Sirens and other poems. Poems by Duane Locke. In English.
Sóc morta. A story by Mercè Molist. In Catalan.
Soledad de dos. A story by Pilar Romano. In Spanish.
Solosín. A story by Orlando Mazeyra Guillén. In Spanish.
Soneto II. Poems by Arturo Arranz Galiano. In Spanish.
Soneto I. Poems by Arturo Arranz Galiano. In Spanish.
Speedy goes bananas. A story by Peter Miller. In English.
Stoking the Fire. Poems by Susan Abraham. In English.
Tant de bo no ho entenguis. A story by David Medina. In Catalan.
Tercero excluido. A story by Pablo Brito Altamira. In Spanish.
Terminal. A story by Iliana Godoy. In Spanish.
Testigo presencial. A story by Iliana Godoy. In Spanish.
Thomas. A story by Robert McDonald. In English.
Tiempo de lavar. A story by Pilar Romano. In Spanish.
Todas las tardes. A story by Cecilia F. Montero. In Spanish.
Tras la puerta. A story by Orlando Mazeyra Guillén. In Spanish.
Tras los ojos. A story by Diego Chinchilla. In Spanish.
Tres poemas. Poems by Bernardo Casado Salas. In Spanish.
Truffles and other poems. Poems by Duane Locke. In English.
Two Poems. Poems by Delos T. Brown. In English.
Última voluntat. A story by Ferran Cerdans Serra. In Catalan.
Una, grande, libre. Poems by Tina Escaja. In Spanish.
Unabashed. Poems by Todd T. Brown. In English.
Una calle en silencio. A story by Erlantz Gamboa. In Spanish.
Una débil raíz. A story by Daniel Alejandro Gómez. In Spanish.
Una fuente y tres caminos. A story by Marc Sil. In Spanish.
Una historia de barrio. A story by Bob T. Morrison. In Spanish.
Un ángel. Poems by Teresa Domingo Català. In Spanish.
Una vieja cosa mágica. A story by Pilar Romano. In Spanish.
Un panteón para Teresita. A story by Evelyn Aixalà. In Spanish.
Un suceso lamentable. A story by Ricardo Mena Cuevas. In Spanish.
Un tauró a la peixera. A story by Quim Siles. In Catalan.
Un vecino tonto. A story by Fernando Sorrentino. In Spanish.
Uña y mugre. A story by Orlando Mazeyra Guillén. In Spanish.
Vacaciones en Suiza. Poems by Marc Sil. In Spanish.
Vampiros. A story by Carlos Almira Picazo. In Spanish.
Vampirs. A story by Joan Segons. In Catalan.
Velo City (v.1). Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Velo City (v.1). Poems by Alma Pérez. In Catalan.
Velo City (v.1). Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Velo City (v.1). Poems by Alma Pérez. In Spanish.
Velo City (v.1). Poems by Alma Pérez. In English.
Víctimas. A story by Javier Martín. In Spanish.
Vienen por más. A story by Yako. In Spanish.
Villa Borghese. A story by Eduardo Protto. In Spanish.
Visiones. Poems by Fernando R. Ortega. In Spanish.
Viva la revolución. A story by Cristian Alcaraz. In Spanish.
Volver. A story by Erlantz Gamboa. In Spanish.
Wild Fruit. Poems by Margaret Wilmot. In English. Idea, design & development: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)