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Fraudulent Fertilisation

Episode 25

Ricardo Ludovico Gulminelli
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Esteban Álvez unbuttoned her skirt and helped her out of it. Then he removed her panties and put a white nightshirt on her, making her lie back on the operating table.

“Don’t be frightened, Juanita, I’m going to inject you with a little codeine. It’s to make your uterus relax, to make sure there are no spasms.”

At that moment, the gynaecologist thought the surgery door was slightly open.

“Who’s there? Who is it?” he shouted angrily.

Slowly, Estela Cáceres’s red face appeared around the door. Stammering, she apologised repeatedly. She was hopelessly in love with Álvez.

“Sorry, doctor, I didn’t know you were here, I just came to get the prescription pad. I had to prepare a prescription for Mrs González, then I was going to leave it for you to sign. I hadn’t heard anything. Believe me, it wasn’t my intention to disturb you or to listen to what you were saying.”

Almost in tears, Álvez´s secretary didn’t know what else to say. he laughed at her passion and treated her with scorn.

“She’s always causing trouble,” Juani said, almost inaudibly, “she can’t stand me, she’s got the hots for you so much that she wets herself. I’m fed up with her.”

The doctor interrupted Juanita.

“All right, Estela, go away now please, I beg you to be more careful the next time; this has happened before. Remember that privacy is vital in a surgery, I won’t tolerate it again! Is that clear?”

“Yes, doctor,” she said, unable to hide her shame at being treated so offensively. She closed the door.

“Right, dear,” said Álvez, calming down, “open your legs, relax. Don’t think about anything. It’s not going to be as nice as a fuck, but you’ll like the result. Think that you’re going to conceive a child, imagine what it’ll be like, relax, don’t move, does it hurt? No? Good, it’s better that way. Be calm...”

Álvez inserted a metallic speculum, with which he opened her vagina, then he cleaned up her vaginal secretions with sterilized buds of gauze. Then he clamped the lower lip of the neck of Juanita’s womb and inserted an insemination syringe into the cervix.

“Don’t worry, Juani, everything’s going OK. I’ve inserted a cannula, now I’m depositing semen in the uterine cavity, I’ll leave a bit at the top of the vagina and in the cervical channel just in case. I’m sure that there’s a ovule waiting for us, ready to be fertilised. Wait a second, I’ll remove the clamp and speculum. That’s it, now have a little patience! I’ll put a pillow under your hips. You must stay in that position for thirty minutes, you’re not perspiring, your pulse is normal, can you feel anything?”

“I’m fine.”

“I’m glad,” said Álvez, “it looks like there’s no kind of anaphylactic reaction to Burán’s semen. I’ve deposited a good dose of sperm in your uterus. It’s quite possible that we’ll be lucky, your temperature is ideal and so is the date. To make sure, tomorrow and the day after we’ll repeat this operation, understood?”

“I’m already involved, so I can’t refuse. When will we know if we’ve failed?”

“In a few days. We’ll have to do tests, but don’t worry because I’ve got a lot of doses left over. The only problem would be the delay. We’d have to wait for you to be ready! But it wouldn’t be all that serious, when all’s said and done...”

“Of course. After all, I’m the guinea pig, aren’t I?”

“Stop grumbling, it’s not easy for me either,” commented Álvez, “we’ve got to persevere, remain level-headed and calm at all costs. OK?”

OK,” she said, “but are you sure that the semen is well conserved? Take care, eh? I don’t want problems with the kid; if you give me semen in bad condition and I give birth to a freak, I’ll kill you!”

“Don’t talk rubbish, Juanita.”

“Hey, I’m serious. Are you sure there are no risks? The baby can’t turn out abnormal, can it?”

“Don’t explode, I told you not. The sperm is well conserved, I used liquid nitrogen and a cryprotective substance. It has been shown statistically that these births are no different from normal ones. The only remarkable thing is that artificial insemination produces a greater number of males than females. Very strange, but at a recent Sterility and Fertility Congress, American and European doctors said so; it was also shown in studies carried out in Cuba. To calm you down I’ll tell you that it isn’t common to observes abnormalities of a psychological type, in neither mothers nor children. Of course, this research has been carried out with regard to married couples, which is not your case. But they’re just as useful... I assure you that not even the husbands have shown problems when the wife is fertilised with semen from a donor. As you can see, everything is provided for. Well, dear, now I recommend that you have a rest. Look after yourself for a few days, you mustn’t do any exercise or overdo it physically. I’ll keep a close eye on you to see how you evolve.”

She looked at him tenderly and mischievously...

“What now? Don’t you feel like doing anything? I tell you I’m in the mood, aren’t you? Remember that not all the roads are blocked, I’ll let you use whichever you choose.”

“I’d like to, Juani, but I think we must be prudent, I don’t want you getting worked up. In a few days we’ll be able to do whatever we like. It’s worth waiting. Meanwhile, I’ll buy you dinner at a restaurant in the port, whichever one you choose. What would you like to eat?”

“Crab!” said Juanita.

OK!” said Álvez, kissing her gently on the mouth.

Translation: Peter Miller (© 2002)
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Copyright ©Ricardo Ludovico Gulminelli, 1990
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Date of publicationJune 2002
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