Copyright © | Benjamin Constant, 1816 |
By the same author | There are no more works at |
Date of publication | February 2000 |
Collection | Worldwide Classics |
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I have just completed the small but fascinating book Adolphe by Benjamin Constant. It was so entertaining and insightful. I am now reading The Red Notebook. Both are printed together in a Signet Classics volume, published in 1959. I found this book while browsing through a bookcase at my cottage. I have no idea how the book got there; maybe it was left by a guest. It has obviously been there for some time judging by its appearance. But I can never bring myself to throwing out a book and in this case am very glad I didn't. I truly am enjoying this writer which is why I Googled him and am now writing this e-mail.
Hola, he leído a Benjamín Constant (Adolfo), me parece un ser increíblemente excepcional. Me encanta su forma de narrar, su simplicidad, su honestidad al expresar, sencillamente maravilloso. Me gustaría poder leer Céline, pero no sé cómo ubicar esa novela. Gracias por la página.
Convindria incloure La llibertat dels antics comparada amb els moderns de Constant a la seva entrada. Felicitats per
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