- Feast or Famine
- Per Gaby Beck

- Drama • 4.621p • Anglès
- Global Fiction / Setembre 2006
A one act drama by Gaby Beck about a couple going through difficult ups and downs in their relationship. This play was performed at the Double Image Theater Festival, the New York Theater Festival and the Sidewalks Theater.
«As the curtain rises, Nancy is straightening the living room and collecting the Sunday Times, which is spread around the room. Tom enters from the bathroom a moment later...»
Claus: ham hock, home, job
- Mucky Pups
- Per Peter Miller

- Novel·la • 33.809p • Anglès
- Global Fiction / Juliol 2001
Comic novel by Peter Miller set in Scotland. Meet the band: Mitch, Mungo, Flopsy, Honeysuckle, Woody, Tuppenny Rice, Treacle, and, of course, Mister Billington Fox.
«Stewpot head-butted the doorbell. He did it in slow motion. He hair-butted it really. There was no sound. Misjudging the distance, he ended up bent over at a right-angle, staring at the fag-butt floor...»
Claus: dog, hair, head, face
Hi, I was dumbfounded, as i zipped up my zippers, to see my name being used. Does Peter really know someone named Mitch Haycock? I am from the states, just curious... with "zipped lips"
Mitch Haycock
zipperless in Bayfield, Wisconsin
Bayfield County Coffee company
home of the zippy coffee
Mitch Haycock
- The Iberian Horseshoe — A Journey
- Per Steve Porter

- Autobiografia • 37.215p • Anglès
- Global Fiction / Desembre 2005
Travelling through Spain and Portugal. A literary non-fiction work by Steve Porter, from Scotland.
«The Sandeman silhouette, a figure with cape and a broad rimmed hat, was enjoying his eternal glass of port. Illuminated in the evening light but with his back to my camera, his anonymity remained intact...»
Claus: Spanish, time, day
I have read some poems by Steven Porter and I liked them very much. He has a big poetry knowledge and a large sensitivity to write poems. Now I’m interested in his new book The Iberian Horsehoe because I want to know his point of view about Spanish people and about my country. I would like you to publish more things by Steven Porter.
Just a note to let you know how much I dislike Steve Porter’s The Iberian Horseshoe. His arrogance makes me believe he’s an American in disguise. Cheers,
Wade Bell
- The Crier’s Sacrifice
- Per Nathan Black

- Novel·la • 68.614p • Anglès
- Global Fiction / Octubre 1999
Nilrid, a young town crier, is thrown into a world of espionage and danger as he tries to stop an evil goddess. A fantasy novel by Nathan Black. Suitable for young readers.
«In the town of Fyr’nay, the Royal News Service was already up and running. The sun had barely managed to peek its rim over the horizon, but in the large, wooden building, messengers and agents were creating a general state of chaos...»
Claus: boy, wizard, king
- Fraudulent Fertilisation
- Per Ricardo Ludovico Gulminelli

- Novel·la • 111.047p • Anglès
- Global Fiction / Maig 2002
Alicia needs help from Doctor Álvez. But Doctor Álvez has been waiting for a girl like this for several months and now that he has found her, he has a very important, crucial and perverse task for her: he will try to put a revolutionary idea into practice...
Finally in English, the novel by Ricardo Ludovico Gullminelli about the legal and moral consequences of the scientific advance in the field of artificial insemination. Translated from Spanish by Peter Miller.
«To be honest with the readers of this book, I must confess that the story which breathes life into it is not the fruit of my imagination. An old friend told it to me, melancholy and inebriated, on a night out drinking...»
Claus: child, love, life, father
Wonderful. I think that the story is fascinating, the situacion is provocative, and the end is surprising. Congratulations. It’s a fantastic book. I’m so happy to have found it.
In my opinion, Ricardo Ludovico Gulminelli is an excellent writer... I’m from Miami Beach (Florida) and I have been studying Spanish since 1999 and I’m very happy indeed that I had the opportunity to be able to read this wonderful book. I know that I liked it because he described everything so well, as if he had lived it, and I felt very identificated. I hope to read more materials from Ricardo Ludovico Gulminelli. Thank you!
Mary Jones
I fell in love after reading the description of the character Roberto Burán of Fraudulent Fertilisation (Episode 11). The man I am currently dating is so much like him... except, he’s not an Attorney. I work with Attorneys. I’m a legal assistant... and I think Attorneys are so fascinating!
Lucía Pérez
Me gustó la obra: me hizo sentir deseos de seguir leyendo página a página, no sólo por la trama, también porque me sentí identificado con su protagonista, su forma de ver las relaciones, su concepto de la mujer como compañera e igual. Hay también manifestaciones sobre determinados temas (aborto, matrimonio) que comparto y me hicieron reforzar mis propias opiniones.
Soy un asiduo lector y hacía mucho tiempo que un libro no me despertaba tantas emociones. Gracias a Badosa por publicar libros así (además gratuitos).
Javier Fdez.
Creo que se trata de una novela-folletín que, en cuanto atañe a aspectos judiciales, está muy bien documentada; se nota que el autor procede de la abogacía y judicatura. En el e-mail que le envié, le dije que vale más un folletín bien relatado que novela suspirada, pero no conseguida. Salut i tenis-sala.
Como escribe de lo que entiende, se le entiende todo lo que escribe. Salut i tenis-sala.
Éste ha sido un gran libro, donde el lector se va adentrando a la vida de cada uno de los personajes, es un libro bien documentado en cada uno de los temas a los que se refiere. Debo felicitar a Badosa.com por brindarnos este servicio.
Claudia Sandoval
Mi opinión es que es una historia excelente. Me atrapó verdaderamente leer el libro, me enseñó, comprendí lo complejo que puede ser un tema que parece tan simple. Es un orgullo tener académicos de tan alto estirpe, espero que el Dr. Ricardo Gulminelli haga otras obras tan interesantes como es Fecundación fraudulenta.
Alejandra Bacone
Es un libro muy interesante, muy bien planteado, que lo atrapa en su lectura de principio a fin. Lo recomiendo ampliamente.
Leonor Martínez
Inquietante la secretaria, se llama Estela, como mi hermana ídem de un médico... Un saludo Ricardo,
Un libro que atrapa, una historia plausible, muy bien tratado el tema, mis felicitaciones para el Dr Ricardo Gulminelli.
Ricardo Mochkovsky