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Editor literari a Internet des del 1995
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Actualització de Badosa.com Primera: 24/11/95 • Darrera: 01/02/25 • Propera: 01/03/25
Feast or Famine
Per Gaby Beck RSS
Drama • 4.621p • Anglès
Global Fiction RSS / Setembre 2006
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A one act drama by Gaby Beck about a couple going through difficult ups and downs in their relationship. This play was performed at the Double Image Theater Festival, the New York Theater Festival and the Sidewalks Theater.

«As the curtain rises, Nancy is straightening the living room and collecting the Sunday Times, which is spread around the room. Tom enters from the bathroom a moment later...»

Claus: ham hock, home, job

Mucky Pups
Per Peter Miller RSS
Novel·la • 33.809p • Anglès
Global Fiction RSS / Juliol 2001
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Ebook Comic novel by Peter Miller set in Scotland. Meet the band: Mitch, Mungo, Flopsy, Honeysuckle, Woody, Tuppenny Rice, Treacle, and, of course, Mister Billington Fox.

«Stewpot head-butted the doorbell. He did it in slow motion. He hair-butted it really. There was no sound. Misjudging the distance, he ended up bent over at a right-angle, staring at the fag-butt floor...»

Claus: dog, hair, head, face

The Iberian Horseshoe — A Journey
Per Steve Porter RSS
Autobiografia • 37.215p • Anglès
Global Fiction RSS / Desembre 2005
Llegir Descarregar el llibre-e per a Microsoft Reader (142Kb) Afegir aquest títol a la meva biblioteca personal Permalink

Ebook Travelling through Spain and Portugal. A literary non-fiction work by Steve Porter, from Scotland.

«The Sandeman silhouette, a figure with cape and a broad rimmed hat, was enjoying his eternal glass of port. Illuminated in the evening light but with his back to my camera, his anonymity remained intact...»

Claus: Spanish, time, day

The Crier’s Sacrifice
Per Nathan Black RSS
Novel·la • 68.614p • Anglès
Global Fiction RSS / Octubre 1999
Llegir Descarregar el llibre-e per a Microsoft Reader (201Kb) Descarregar el llibre-e per a Rocket eBook o REB1100 (212Kb) Afegir aquest títol a la meva biblioteca personal Permalink

Ebook Nilrid, a young town crier, is thrown into a world of espionage and danger as he tries to stop an evil goddess. A fantasy novel by Nathan Black. Suitable for young readers.

«In the town of Fyr’nay, the Royal News Service was already up and running. The sun had barely managed to peek its rim over the horizon, but in the large, wooden building, messengers and agents were creating a general state of chaos...»

Claus: boy, wizard, king

Fraudulent Fertilisation
Per Ricardo Ludovico Gulminelli RSS
Novel·la • 111.047p • Anglès
Global Fiction RSS / Maig 2002
Llegir Descarregar el llibre-e per a Microsoft Reader (291Kb) Afegir aquest títol a la meva biblioteca personal Permalink

Ebook Alicia needs help from Doctor Álvez. But Doctor Álvez has been waiting for a girl like this for several months and now that he has found her, he has a very important, crucial and perverse task for her: he will try to put a revolutionary idea into practice...

Finally in English, the novel by Ricardo Ludovico Gullminelli about the legal and moral consequences of the scientific advance in the field of artificial insemination. Translated from Spanish by Peter Miller.

«To be honest with the readers of this book, I must confess that the story which breathes life into it is not the fruit of my imagination. An old friend told it to me, melancholy and inebriated, on a night out drinking...»

Claus: child, love, life, father

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Global Fiction és una col·lecció de ficció en anglès que reuneix relats, novel·les i obres per lliuraments.


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Concepció, disseny i desenvolupament: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)