Comic novel by Peter Miller set in Scotland. Meet the band: Mitch, Mungo, Flopsy, Honeysuckle, Woody, Tuppenny Rice, Treacle, and, of course, Mister Billington Fox.
«Stewpot head-butted the doorbell. He did it in slow motion. He hair-butted it really. There was no sound. Misjudging the distance, he ended up bent over at a right-angle, staring at the fag-butt floor...»
Claus: dog, hair, head, face
Mucky Pups
Hi, I was dumbfounded, as i zipped up my zippers, to see my name being used. Does Peter really know someone named Mitch Haycock? I am from the states, just curious... with "zipped lips"
Mitch Haycock
zipperless in Bayfield, Wisconsin
Bayfield County Coffee company
home of the zippy coffee
Mitch Haycock
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