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La nuit miraculeuse
Per Geneviève Gaillard-Vanté RSS
Conte • 958p • Francès
Terre des mots RSS / Abril 2003
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A tragic day in Haiti. A true story in French by Geneviève Gaillard-Vanté.

«Au-dehors il fait nuit. Port-au-Prince et ses alentours sont dans une totale obscurité. L’horloge sur le mur marque près de huit heures...»

Claus: voix, porte, fille

La nuit miraculeuse

Geneviève is a gifted writer. What a night, what a story. It is as if I was next to her and her son enjoying the egg rolls and duck sauce when suddenly I felt the gut wrenching rift, her husband’s courage and selflessness, as he is yelling for her to lock herself in with her kids as robbers are attempting to assassinate him just a few feet away. I command her for her willingness to share this horrible evening with us. One should keep in mind though that it is the story of a miraculous night. I can hardly wait to read the rest of it!!!

Daniel-Gérard Rouzier
La nuit miraculeuse

J’ai lu avec plaisir La nuit miraculeuse qui relate d’une façon vibrante et pénétrante, les faits vécus par l’auteur. Elle a su trouver les mots justes qui reflètent d’une façon vivante l’angoisse et le désespoir qui sont ressentis dans des évènements aussi tragiques et malheureux. Je lui adresse tous mes compliments et lui souhaite de continuer dans sa brillante trajectoire d’écrivain et espère pouvoir lire très bientôt un autre de ses passionants récits.

Marie-Antoinette Handal
La nuit miraculeuse

This is a beautiful story but quite shocking story. when will be the next publication of this author? I would love to read another of her short stories!

Tamara Depestre
La nuit miraculeuse

Geneviève is an excellent writer, she captures your attention and makes you feel part of the story. Ombres du Temps, a novel occuring in Spain, takes one into the daily lives of the Spanish folks, their traditions, cultures, foods... The romance in Andalucia takes you into some daydreaming with a distinctive flavor of that area... I wish you could publish more short stories of her... Regards,

Alix Lafond
La nuit miraculeuse

Décidément, tu es très douée. Tu as la capacité de faire rire comme de faire pleurer. Revivre ces moments douloureux m’ont fait monter les larmes aux yeux. Compliments, Geneviève, courts ou longs, tes récits me plaisent beaucoup.

Michele C. Eyssallenne
La nuit miraculeuse

Moving account of an horror story. The author succeeded through her style (using the third person) in making us actually live, clearly and simply what she went through with almost the same intensity of emotion. A very beautiful and unique piece.

Maryse Pierre-Louis
La nuit miraculeuse

Quite a moving story! And so well narrated. This author attracts her readers so much into the action, it’s like seeing the scenes on a screen. We first read with great enthousiasm her novel Ombres du temps, which won the Prix Deschamps 2001. Geneviève Gaillard-Vanté to our opinion is greatly talented and deserves to be discovered. Thank you, we hope, for publishing on this site more of her work in the near future.

Anyssa Aflack
La nuit miraculeuse

La nuit miraculeuse is an astonishing story. What a world! A dramatic event but treated by the author with such a talent! I would definitely want to read more by this author.

Linda A. Chesner
La nuit miraculeuse

This is a well written short story. The author conveys very well the emotions and the intensity of the act.

Raymond Jean-Jacques
La nuit miraculeuse

Reading La nuit miraculeuse is indeed quite a shocking story but the art used by this author makes this astonishing situation turn into an amazing moment for its reader. She surely did make horror turn into such a beautiful story. I guess that is what makes the difference between an author and a special writer! I just also read Everlasting romanza; to me Geneviève sooner or later will get very far with her great talent.

Marc E. Chesner
La nuit miraculeuse

J’ai eu le bonheur de lire Ombres du temps de Geneviève Gaillard-Vanté, ce fut des moments de pur délice. La finesse de l’écriture inaugure bien un nouveau grand talent. Aucun mot déplacé, aucune provocation, malgré la profusion des mots, c’est manifestement un sentiment esthétique de l’écrivaine pour ses lecteurs.

M-A Pressoir
La nuit miraculeuse

I have read some texts by this author, as good. She surely knows how to communicate the horror moment. And most reading her words brings a feeling of being there. Did like it very much. Waiting for some more, I hope.

Raphael Hubbard
La nuit miraculeuse

I’m not sure what I can say about the story. I am very confused. Maybe I am too young to understand, but would someone care to explain to me what exactly happened in the story? The structure of it and the plot, etc.

Rebecca Stanley
La nuit miraculeuse

C’est une histoire (conte) très intéressante. L’écrivain expose finement des moments de terreur.

Hugo Moscoso Sorrosa
La nuit miraculeuse

Wow! C’est une histoire qui m’a réduit au néant en la lisant. Au néant ou presque, parce que j’étais insensible aux appels qui se faisaient autour de moi, méritant mon attention. Je me suis senti bouleversé de l’absurdité de la violence sociale et politique de chez nous qui a fait tant de victimes. J’ose espérer que ce récit, par son art indéniable et l’urgence de son cri, nous ouvrira les yeux vers un horizon meilleur.

Guy S. Antoine

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Concepció, disseny i desenvolupament: Xavier Badosa (1995–2024)