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Superstitions that Pay
By Fernando Sorrentino RSS
Short Story • 658w • English
The Fictile Word RSS / June 2005
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A short story by Fernando Sorrentino about the bad business of superstition. Translated from Spanish by Alita Kelley. Also available in French.

«I live from others’ superstitions. It doesn’t bring in much money and the work is pretty hard.
«My first case was in a plant where they filled soda syphons. The owner believed, heaven knows why, that one of the thousands of syphons (but which one?) held an atomic bomb...»

Keys: one, tortoises, girl, devil

Superstitions that Pay

(Esta opinión se refiere al conjunto de la obra de Fernando Sorrentino.) Un escritor que acude, que instala las voces que narran lo que creemos nuestra verosimilitud, como un adivino propietario de nuestra incredulidad. Además, ¡es alegre! Un abrazo para él, de parte de los alumnos de la Escuela Media 6 1º 4ª de Mar del Tuyú.

Ana Candela López - Diana Díaz - Victoria González - Bruno Chamorro - Milagros López

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The Fictile Word is a collection of short stories in English.

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Idea, design & development: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)