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Badosa.com Update First: 24/11/95 • Last: 01/01/25 • Next: 01/02/25
Our short stories library consists of the following collections:
  • In English

    The Fictile Word
    Short stories in English.
  • In French

    Terre des mots
    Short stories in French.
  • In Spanish

    Fables, parables, labyrinths and mirrors.
    There are more things...
    Collection of introspective short stories in Spanish.
    Cogito ergo sum.
    El tiempo recuperado
    Collection of short stories in Spanish about the remembrance of the things passed.
    Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure...
    Ficciones instantáneas
    Collection of microstories in Spanish. Stories on Internet time.
    Small is beautiful.
    Collection of ironical, funny, short stories.
    I would my horse had the speed of your tongue...
    Las excepciones cotidianas
    The title of this collection of short stories means “the daily exceptions”. About love and the end of love, family, social life.
    And the heart must pause to breathe,
    And love itself have rest.
    Collection of short stories and poetry for young people in Spanish and Catalan.
  • In Catalan

    Collection of introspective short stories in Catalan.
    La raó del somni
    Collection of satirical short stories and fantasies.
    Reductio ad absurdum.
    Cop de gràcia
    Collection of microstories in Catalan. Stories on Internet time.
    Small is beautiful.
    Apocalipsi sicalíptica
    Collection of erotic stories.
    L’imagination est l’aiguillon des plaisirs...
    Collection of short stories and poetry for young people in Spanish and Catalan.

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Idea, design & development: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)