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Editor literari a Internet des del 1995
Novetats des de
Actualització de Badosa.com Primera: 24/11/95 • Darrera: 01/02/25 • Propera: 01/03/25

Second-wave immigrant, John Horváth Jr. writes from inside the sinner where events are experienced, history swells, and memory shields. His poems, focused on the strange and stranger among us, have been widely published online and in print magazines. John Horváth Jr. edits PoetryRepairShop (Contemporary International Poetry).

He writes:

Every poet knows foundations, the beginnings of things structured, formalized, captured. Poets build on these much as an internal decorator must build around re-existing structures. There is art in hiding the squares, the straight lined beams, the corners where spiders lurk. A poet’s empathy and sympathy render things observed more open to discussion, more human, and more dignified—less captured and unchanging. My technique is to revise a longhand sketch to traditional form/meter (not necessarily English); then, revise to “free” verse/lyric narrative. Thus, I explore. I distance myself from a subject because, as Plato noted, “Poetry endangers the established order of the soul.” Poetry must endanger; so, poets must use care.

Badosa.com has published Baba remembers and other poems and Indifference to names and other poems.

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John Horváth Jr.

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Concepció, disseny i desenvolupament: Xavier Badosa (1995–2025)