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Editor literari a Internet des del 1995
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Actualització de Badosa.com Primera: 24/11/95 • Darrera: 01/12/24 • Propera: 01/01/25

Peter Miller was born in Leicestershire in 1968. He studied English in Scotland before accepting a teaching post in Czechoslovakia. For the last eight years he has lived in Spain, where he works as a freelance translator. His publications include books about the internationally acclaimed film directors Bertrand Tavernier and Bernardo Bertolucci and catalogues for exhibitions by the Basque artists Jorge Oteiza and Ricardo Ugarte.

Badosa.com has published his comic novel Mucky Pups and his short story Speedy goes bananas (también disponible en castellano). He is the translator of Fraudulent Fertilisation, by Ricardo Ludovico Gulminelli.

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Peter Miller

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Concepció, disseny i desenvolupament: Xavier Badosa (1995–2024)