Travelling through Spain and Portugal. A literary non-fiction work by Steve Porter, from Scotland.
«The Sandeman silhouette, a figure with cape and a broad rimmed hat, was enjoying his eternal glass of port. Illuminated in the evening light but with his back to my camera, his anonymity remained intact...»
Claus: Spanish, time, day
The Iberian Horseshoe — A Journey
I have read some poems by Steven Porter and I liked them very much. He has a big poetry knowledge and a large sensitivity to write poems. Now I’m interested in his new book The Iberian Horsehoe because I want to know his point of view about Spanish people and about my country. I would like you to publish more things by Steven Porter.
The Iberian Horseshoe — A Journey
Just a note to let you know how much I dislike Steve Porter’s The Iberian Horseshoe. His arrogance makes me believe he’s an American in disguise. Cheers,
Wade Bell
Ebooks in English and French és una col·lecció de llibres electrònics en anglés i francès en diversos formats.
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